It's quite well known that the quantum theory originated from failure of classical physics as scientists encountered near the end of nineteenth century. "Unusual" behaviour of specific heat ratio of polyatomic-gases and spectra of blackbody radiation gave the birth of Quantum theory by Planck. Although the transition from quantum theory to Quantum Mechanics required around twenty-five years, since the time Max Planck wrote down his celebrated Planck's Law of radiation. Quantum Mechanics not only described the "ad-hoc explained" discrete processes replacing classical continuity, but also greatly changed the view of the world - But is QM still a consistent theory? Can a consistent theory contain even one unresolved paradox? If ladder or twin paradox would remain unresolved (fortunately it's not!), could Special Relativity be said to be consistent? It's clear that so far as Copenhagen Interpretation is considered (the only "authentic" interpretation of QM as taught worldwide), Wigner's and Schrodinger's paradox are still unresolved (other than making some dubious attempts to alter Copenhagen interpretation itself) Author discovers that Quantum Mechanics through the famous EPR thought experiment and together with Conservation Laws and Relativity leads to the existence of a Universal Object which is responsible for collapse of a wave-function or entangled state. Author justifies this Object as nothing but “Consciousness” (supporting the proposition of Wigner and Neumann) without any requirement of knowing its detailed nature, and concludes that Consciousness must be Universal (and non-plural). Not only it’s the fact that the non-plurality and Universality of Consciousness can well resolve the well-known Quantum Measurement/Interpretation problem unsolved since about past hundred years removing all possible unresolved paradoxes of QM (without requirement of any dubious new interpretation of ), but most importantly, Universality (and non-plurality) of Consciousness is well evidenced by some delicate but nearly forgotten experiments of Great Indian Physicist Sir J.C. Bose (FRS), performed near the end of nineteenth century, proving Quantum Mechanics, Copenhagen interpretation and author's solution of the unresolved paradoxes all three are unquestionably True. At the same time, it gets established that apparently “Biological” Nature of “Consciousness” actually originates from Fundamental-Physics.
Quantum; Relativity; Continuity; Galvanometer; Compensator;
The revolutionary transition from Newton's classical mechanics to Quantum Mechanics was indeed an exciting journey! Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory in its more developed form, are now very familiar to the scientific community but despite nearly after hundred years of its inception, why Quantum Mechanics is still in some great catastrophe? Does the answer lie in the formulation of Quantum Mechanics itself? History says, looking back "once again" may give birth to a radical new view of the World. The equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass was very well-known fact to nearly all the Scientists since the time of Newton, but only Einstein found it to be of worth thinking deeply realizing existence of some deep unknown mystery behind it. He dived deep into it and tried to unlock that "mystery" and finally he succeeded and General Relativity was the result, revolutionizing the whole Physics. Is there something similar which in Quantum Mechanics which is very near our eyes but till getting skipped? Let's proceed! [In the whole article, we shall take into account only well-established Laws of Physics (apart from the one we shall deduce)]
One of the triggering factors to Quantum Theory was the failure of classical Physics to describe ratio of specific heats of gases. The first words which indicated the incompleteness of classical Physics were "I have now put before you what I consider to be the greatest difficulty yet encountered by the molecular theory" and this was said by the Great James Clerk Maxwell in a lecture who developed the dynamical theory of gases around The discrepancy is especially prevalent in polyatomic gases. However, if we approximate the diatomic molecule by a harmonic oscillator and if instead of having all possible energies as is described classically, such an oscillator can have only energies like etc. so that the average energy is (instead of ),
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Research Article
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Received date: July 11, 2022
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©2022 Satwik Choudhury. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Satwik Choudhury. (2022) On the Solution of the Century-Old Problem of Quantum Mechanics, With Substantiation Through (Experimental) Evidence. OSP Journal of Physics and Astronomy 3: JPA-3-1..
Corresponding author
Satwik Choudhury
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Dept of Physics, HBNI, 2nd Floor, BARC training school complex, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra,400094.